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Categories and filters

We want to help you discover and compare the best and most trusted companies. TrustRatings' business categories are there to help you do just that.


TrustRatings features business categories that enable you to compare similar companies.

There are more than four thousand business categories on TrustRatings. They provide you with a great opportunity to find and compare companies in every business area, so you can make informed choices about who you do business with.

You can view them all by selecting Categories in the upper right-hand side of the TrustRatings website. Then select the category you're interested in seeing.

Filter companies

To discover and compare the best companies in a category, you can use the following filters:

  1. Number of reviews - A minimum number of reviews
  2. Time period - The time period in which the minimum number of reviews were collected
  3. Company status - A company’s status can either be 'Unclaimed' or 'Claimed'.

For example, if you want to compare companies that have received the highest number of recent reviews, apply the Number of reviews filter to see only companies with 500+ reviews, then add the Time period filter so you can limit the reviews to the past six months. If you don’t get any results, try using different filter criteria.

Default filters

By default, TrustRatings applies filters that show only companies that:

  1. Are actively asking for reviews on TrustRatings.
  2. Have received 25 or more reviews in the past 12 months.

We’ve chosen these default filters because they give you a list of companies that have a certain level of activity over the past year and are actively soliciting feedback from their customers – two important factors that can help you find the best and most trustworthy companies to buy from.